
Ovarian Cancer Screening

A recent article published in the NY Times, expresses reservation and concern for a once routinely recommended medical screening to try and detect OVARIAN CANCER.
The Tests:

Blood Test – looking for CANCER markers

Ultrasound – non irradiating view of the OVARIES
The Results:
Screening appears not to lower the risk nor the rate of developing OVARIAN CANCER. So, the question is, why continue using something that provides no additional health benefit, and has another inherent RISK associated with it.

The Risks:
Many FALSE POSITIVES are associated with the screenings. Screening in woman who are healthy and of average risk for ovarian cancer, is unnecessary, and all too often leads to unnecessary major surgeries, when no surgery is required. These surgeries have obvious risks and complications.

Doctors advise not to disregard early symptoms and to seek medical care if symptoms persist, such as…

  • bloating, lower abdominal pain, getting “full” quickly from eating, and increase urination

Testing for OVARIAN CANCER remains for…

  • women at HIGH RISK such as genetic testing indicating mutations for the disease
  • family history of the disease
  • symptoms which are concerning to the woman”s doctor

This report comes from the United States Preventive Services Task Force, which has also recently thrown weight against other routine screening tests, such as PSA (prostate specific antigen), and Mammograms.

United States Preventive Services Task Force, Dr. Virginia A. Moyer, chairwoman

Annals of Internal Medicine
NY Times
A recent article published in the NY Times, expresses reservation and concern for a once routinely recommended medical screening to try and detect OVARIAN CANCER.

The Tests:

Blood Test – looking for CANCER markers

Ultrasound – non irradiating view of the OVARIES
The Results:

Screening appears not to lower Pat Quinn vetoed casino gambling expansion legislation, Illinois introduced gambling online legislation using the toughest ‘bad actor’ provision up to now 888 Holdings got preliminary approval because of its Nevada online poker license Intralot released an american-facing free-play gambling online site Texas introduced government-dependent online
busts within the PlatinumSB situation Vince Martin recapped the IGT proxy fight and considered the result of iGaming upon us equipment producers. the risk nor the rate of developing OVARIAN CANCER. So, the question is, why continue using something that provides no additional health benefit, and has another inherent RISK associated with it.

The Risks:

Many FALSE POSITIVES are associated with the screenings. Screening in woman who are healthy and of average risk
for ovarian cancer, is unnecessary, and all too often leads to unnecessary major surgeries, when no surgery is required. These surgeries have obvious risks and complications.


Doctors advise not to disregard early symptoms and to seek medical care if symptoms persist, such as…

  • bloating, lower abdominal pain, getting “full” quickly from eating, and increase urination
  • testing for OVARIAN CANCER remains for…
  • women at HIGH RISK such as genetic testing indicating mutations for the disease
    family history of the disease
  • symptoms which are concerning to the woman”s doctor
    This report comes from the United States Preventive Services Task Force, which has also recently thrown weight against other routine screening tests, such as PSA (prostate specific antigen), and Mammograms.

10 Easy Things To Improve Your Health

Chew Slowly. Savour each bite. Don”t wolf-down your meals. Chemical messages in your body let you know you are full after a meal. You can over eat before these cues can signal you. Eating slowly allows the message to reach full effect, telling you you”re filled up.This can greatly reduce calorie intake and helps reduce your weight.

Sleep More. Research shows that getting extra sleep improves weight loss. Lack of sleep is shown to increase the appetite, leading to eating more than is needed. Bedtime by 11pm is recommended.

Veggies and Fruits. These foods are dense with nutrients giving you a good bang for your buck. Higher water and fiber content helps fill you up quicker. Use culinary herbs with lemon juice and healthy fats, such as flax seed oil and fish oils, to flavor your meals.
Brothy Veggie Soups. These foods are a great way to restrain your appetite. Use as an appetizer to curb your hunger.

Hunger. Avoid waiting too long between meals. If you get really hungry, to try to rapidly suppress the hunger feeling. Usually these types offoods are high sugar, low nutrient kinds of foods.

Snacks. Use of health choices between meals avoids getting too hungry. Fruits, veggies, nuts , and seeds and hummus are a few great ideas to snack on.

Grains. Best to reduce the intake of these food items – breads, crackers, bread sticks. You don”t need much of these grains in the diet if at all. But if you do consume grains, use whole grain products.

Eyes on the Prize. We are highly motivated by the things we see. Visually, we can motivate ourselves to succeed by placing pictures of that island vacation your going to reward yourself with, ot hanging up the bikini you wish to fit back into. Place these items where you will see them several times everyday to benefit from the reminder of where you”d like to be soon.

Sugar. Give yourself the 21 day challenge of not consuming any foods that contain added sugars (that means “zero” added sugar).
Exercise. 10 mins daily of balanced exercise will greatly influence the weight to come off. Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, running in place, jump romp, low-weight weights, and resistance bands, are just a few of the thing that maintain muscle tone and can be done at home with minimal upstart.